Loula Natural Young Living Oils
Like many, the moment you mention “natural remedy” most people will without a doubt be comfortable using essential oils to heal anything from a headache to allergy relief and from bronchitis to uti’s. I use them in my diffuser, in the bath in cosmetics and in cleaning products in the attempt to rid my home of chemicals.The list is actually endless on how powerful and healing essential oils are.
Who would have thought a tiny little drop could be such a big powerhouse? After much research and many nudges from my bloggers friends already loving the benefits, I decided to jump on the Young Living essential oils bandwagon and I am so happy I did. See here to read about my continuing journey with Essential Oils- it spans almost 10 years.

Why I Choose Young Living Essential Oils?
I have to know about the quality of the products I purchase and recommend. I need to know where and how they are made and/or grown; how sustainable they are etc. and essential oils are no different. Ingredients and process can make or break a product for me.
I believe and appreciate that Young Living’s oils are so different as a result of their strict, detailed method for producing the oils to obtain the purest, ‘un-messed-with’ plant essences. Young Living calls this their Seed to Seal process, where every step from planting to bottling is detailed and controlled. Young Living offers this promise – they own their farms and they run a very tight supply chain. I trust their essential oils, that any one I buy is pure and unadulterated and are manufactured for therapeutic use not just for their fragrance.
How Do I Get My Hands on These Oils?
You can get the essential oils I recommend in one of two ways: (signing up as a “distributor”) or Retail (signing up as a “customer”) via the
My Support
When you sign up with me, you will get personal support. This is more than you will get when you buy other retail oils, you only get the oil itself. You can also have support on how to use the oils from me. When you sign up via the Young Living site as a retail customer you pay 24% more than wholesalers for your essential oils.
(step by step instruction below)
Why Should I become and Wholesale Member?
Becoming a Wholesale Member can get you wholesale pricing which is 24% off retail price! You also gain the option of sharing the oils with your friends and family in order to earn commissions and participate in promotions for free oils.
Is there a monthly order minimum?
No. You do not have to order monthly in order to benefit from being a Wholesale Member. However, there is an autoship program that you have the option of participating in if you would like to earn more points on your orders and potentially more product.
I don’t really want to sell oils.
Since there is no monthly order requirement you can simply just order whenever you and your family need it. There is no requirement to have a business. But, becoming a Wholesale Member is still most beneficial for your family and your pocket book business or not.
What do I need to do to get started?
To begin as a wholesale member you start with purchasing an enrollment kit. There are three options to choose from in the USA and two in Canada. For anyone that orders the Premium starter kit, I will personally send you a sign-up bonus. Simply follow the below steps toand reap these amazing benefits.

The Premium Starter Kit is the Best Value
When you , you are entitled to wholesale pricing on all Young Living products, this is a 24% discount. Share this with your friends and family by ordering for them, or have them enroll to get their own kit and discount. The ‘Premium Starter Kit’ is $300 value package of oils for over 50% off! It comes with:
- 10 oils including Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Frankincense, PanAway (a nice massage oil that relaxes the muscles!), Peace and Calming, Thieves, Purification, Valor and Joy oil blends.
- A home diffuser (retail value alone on this one is $96)
- Essential Oils at a Glance user’s guide
- Welcome to Young Living booklet
- Stress Away 5-ml
- AromaGlide Roller Fitment (to turn any oil into a roll on)
- two sample packets each of Lavender, Peppermint, Peace & Calming, Lemon, and Thieves (for you to share with your friends!)
- two NingXia Red 2-oz. samples
NOTE: If you enroll early in the month and then sign up 3 friends with a premium starter kit, you will get your premium kit paid for! Ask me details if you have questions about how to do this – I provide support for those looking to help their friends and families get rid of the toxic chemicals in their homes with essential oils!
Signing up as a Wholesale Member – A step-by-step Guide
1. Click over to the
2. Select “Sign up as: Young Living Wholesale Member”
3. The “Enroller ID” and “Sponsor ID” boxes should already be filled in for you. But if not, enter this number 1931497 in both boxes.
4. Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact info. (The reason you are asked to list your social security number is for tax purposes. If you make over $600/year selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail, as is required by law. Young Living will never share this info with anyone.)
5. Create your password and pin which you will use to log in to your account and order your oils.
6. Select your enrollment order. This is where you can specify which starter kit you would like (and you know I think the Premium Kit is the way to go!) – they range in price from $40 on up and you only need to spend $40 to get the 24% discount. Note – you must sign up with one of these kits to become a distributor. This is mandatory. To maintain your 24% discount going forward, you only need to spend $50 worth each subsequent year with Young Living on any product in their store. That’s it! You can also purchase other items at this time if you wish.
7. Set up your *optional* Essential Rewards Program (ER). Now don’t be confused by this next step. Buying one of the ER kits is not a requirement to sign up as a distributor! This is a rewards program you can opt into to start earning money back to help pay for your oils. At this point, you can skip this step by selecting: ‘No, thank you. I plan on enrolling in the Essential Rewards Program later’. If one of the ER kits looks valuable to you then by all means get one in addition to your starter kit but please understand that you cannot buy an ER kit in lieu of a starter kit. This program is the most economical way to purchase your oils and other products. I belong and am already on my way to getting some free oils with it. If you decide that this is something you are interested in, select the kit from the listed options that you would like to ship in your first Essential Rewards order. (Despite what they imply – you will not receive this kit every month – you can change the products from month-to-month through your Virtual Office for each ER order and you only need spend $50 a month to remain in the program – the longer you remain in the program the more points you will receive to help pay for your oils.). Then, you will also need to select a ship date. (This is the day each month when you order will go out. I recommend writing this down on your calendar so you don’t accidentally order the same thing twice.)
7. Agree to Terms & Conditions
8. CONFIRM YOUR ORDER. I have had many folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out. To confirm, the tool will log you in and it will show you your order again and it will make you enter in your payment information again. We wouldn’t want that to happen because then you would not get your oils!
That’s it- congratulations!
You will receive a confirmation email– you can log into your back office right away and manage orders, check your team, and send messages. Added Bonus: If you want to learn more about essential oils, join my Facebook group. It is a really awesome community about natural health including essential oils. Where you can submit oil questions, recipes, testimonials and how to successfully use the oils in your everyday life. If you have any questions, please contact me at louise@loulanatural.com
I am the founder and editor-in-chief of Loula Natural, and I am a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. As such, I will promote and sell essential oils and related products from Young Living Essential Oils on my site. Due to this pre-existing relationship, I will not direct sales or promotion any other essential oil brand, company or products on my site.
MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: The information included on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions expressed here are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for your own situation or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.