Whole Lemon-ade




Man was it HOT today. Lemon’s are amazing- just using the juice loses a lot of lemons amazing proerties. Using the whole lemon, pips peel and all you are getting the lemon’s oil, fibre, antioxidants, Vitamin C, A and even calcium. Plus the scent of lemons lifts moods and enhances that cleansed feel.

I made this in my high speed blender as it needs to be able to process the peel, pith, skin and pips.


1 Whole Lemon (organic and un-waxed)

3 Cups of Water

Coconut Sugar (optional- to taste)

I used 2 tsp of Cocobono Coconut Ginger sugar (contact me to source some) and 2 tsp of Coconut sugar as I like my lemons tart. Whizz it all up and the use it like a cordial. I added fizzy water and ice to mine and store the rest in the fridge to use. Super refreshing for my kids too!

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