Tag: yummy

Salty Cinnamon Maple Grain Free Granola

Salty Cinnamon Maple Grain Free Granola I have loved alternating between my eggs in the morning and my different grain free raw granola flavours (other recipes here and here). I took inspiration from my cinnamon salty/sweet  popcorn to try to entice my daughter to try it (she is devoted to her muesli for breakfast!). I love […]

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Fat Banana Custard

Fat Banana Custard I have been enjoying instagram so much, here I am if you want to find me. I love the creativity and inspiration of people from around the world- making connections with people in their lives is very exciting. There are a few people on there that I look out for as I […]

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Slow Cooked Beef Bourguignon

I absolutely love my slow cooker. I bought my first one just before my daughter was born because I thought that throwing things into one and leaving it and dinner is served when you need it. My first one cracked and I felt like I was without my right hand for the week it took […]

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Cherry Vanilla Kefir

Cherry Vanilla Water Kefir I play with kefir flavours all the time-I love to introduce new ones in my classes. Whatever is in my fridge or cupboard gets tried out! I use dried fruit, fresh fruit, stewed and juiced fruit! I use vegetables too (cucumber and mint water kefir is lovely) I even use cacao […]

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