Tag: stress

Spring into Health

  Why does a change of season suddenly bring with it so many symptoms of illness? What can we do to recognise our body’s reaction and how can we boost immunity naturally? A change of season, especially in Hong Kong, not only brings about a change in temperature but also a change in humidity, daylight […]

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Spring into Health

  Why does a change of season suddenly bring with it so many symptoms of illness? What can we do to recognise our body’s reaction and how can we boost immunity naturally? A change of season, especially in Hong Kong, not only brings about a change in temperature but also a change in humidity, daylight […]

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Practice what you Preach

It is really important to me to live as natural life as possible. I use my air conditioning as little as possible, drive the car only when necessary and try to buy the best food our budget allows. Everyone is an individual and will have a different drive and priorities. Their life is there life […]

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Inflammation; What do we need to know? Inflammation is not always linked to infection. A strained muscle will cause inflammation without any infection for example. Atherosclerosis (inflammation of the heart blood vessels) is also without infection.  Excess inflammation is connected with the aging process and the sped up deterioration associated of cells. To slow down […]

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5 Reasons to Rest to Be Your Best

Recently I have been feeling overwhelmed (excited, inspired and motivated) but overwhelmed all the same. Tired and forgetful – always key feelings and ways of showing me I need some time out. I am a giver – I give energy to people, I feel the need to help, nurture heal and make happy. Every now […]

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