Tag: recipes

Weaning Recipes from Nurture Your Life

Weaning Recipes Have your read my new REAL FOOD way to wean your child? Its called Nurture Your Life (link here). These weaning recipes are all featured in the book.  Here are all the recipes with their links from the book. Let me know your favourite! First foods: (4-8 months depending on child’s ability to […]

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Nurture Your Life- Your REAL FOOD weaning guide

Nurture Your Life is the second in my series of books on natural health (the first was Culture Your Life published 2014). Children’s nutrition is a big passion of mine. As a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist I see many children with chronic conditions like persistent illness, skin conditions, energy and growth issues and a staggering increase […]

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Eggs on the go; Egg Muffins

Egg Muffins; Eggs on the go I love 2 fried eggs cooked in ghee and sprinkled with ghee for breakfast. I serve it with some sauerkraut or kimchee for a yummy balanced breakfast. Recently I have wanted more and fancied trying egg muffins or crustless quiche as they are also known. I love these recipes […]

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Pinterest Party with Loula Natural

Pinterest Party I love Pinterest. Most of you must do too because I should imagine you are one of the thousands that has visited me from one of my pins! If not here is Loula Natural on Pinterest. Thanks to over 5000 of you who have already followed me. Find Inspiration Personally I use Pinterest […]

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Salty Cinnamon Maple Grain Free Granola

Salty Cinnamon Maple Grain Free Granola I have loved alternating between my eggs in the morning and my different grain free raw granola flavours (other recipes here and here). I took inspiration from my cinnamon salty/sweet  popcorn to try to entice my daughter to try it (she is devoted to her muesli for breakfast!). I love […]

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Pumpkin Parade: a pumpkin recipe round-up

Pumpkin Parade; a pumpkin recipe round-up All your favourite Pumpkin Recipes in one place I really love pumpkin. I love the flavour, the density in nutrients and immune boosting properties and I love the versatility of being able to make it sweet or savoury! A pumpkin recipe round-up makes it easy to find my delicious […]

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Ask Loula; Baby First Foods

Baby First Foods As you can probably tell I am very passionate about kids nutrition. It starts with pre-conception. Feeding ourselves  before we have kids, while we are pregnant and then in breastfeeding and of course what we wean our kids onto; is extremely important for their health. Food provides nutrients for new cell formation […]

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The Unconventional Guide to Kids Food

Good nutrition is vital for your child’s healthy development…It is often overlooked and very misinformed in conventional avenues. Babies need more nutrient-dense calories (such as fats and protein) per pound than at any other age.  It really is amazing to watch how many changes they go through in the first year – physically, mentally and […]

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What is for Breakfast?

What is for breakfast? A question I get asked EVERYDAY!!! Here is a run down of the options in my house!! First we start the day, our amuse bouche if you like! with my Apple Cider Vinegar Yummy Wake up Drink (make your own Apple Peel Cider Vinegar here) Then we move on to the […]

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Pumpkin Brownies and Almond Milk Gingerbread Latte

Pumpkin Brownies and Gingerbread Latte I have still got pumpkin left over and so decided to use my beetroot brownie recipe that I love so much- the brownies are lighter flavour but delicious and nutritious. I use the nut free version so my daughter can take them to school and nut ones for the weekend! […]

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