Tag: nutrition

Fermented Garlic

Fermented garlic is super simple. Great to use in so many recipes you probably already make, or as a side dish on its own.Fermented garlic can be used in any recipe that calls for raw garlic. It has a softer taste and is milder than raw garlic. Some describe the flavour as tangy and refreshing.  I […]

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Nurture Your Life- Your REAL FOOD weaning guide

Nurture Your Life is the second in my series of books on natural health (the first was Culture Your Life published 2014). Children’s nutrition is a big passion of mine. As a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist I see many children with chronic conditions like persistent illness, skin conditions, energy and growth issues and a staggering increase […]

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How to ferment; Beetroot and Ginger Sauerkraut

Basic Sauerkraut is so delicious (see my how to here). I have it with eggs, add it so my coleslaw (kraut slaw here) and try to have it with any meat dish as a side. The sour flavour works well to stimulate gastric acids too so it a great primer for any fat, protein rich […]

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Loula Reviews Microbirth

Loula Reviews Microbirth On the 20th of September (2014), One World Birth put together a worldwide premier of their new documentary- Microbirth. It was a clever way of getting small groups together to hold screenings around the globe to try to get people together to watch and be able to ask questions. Groups were held by […]

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What is a Naturopath

What is a Naturopath? Have you ever wondered about what a Naturopathic Doctor does? Ever wanted to see one but are confused about why it may work for you? In a nutshell a Naturopath with use only natural means to heal, repair and balance the body. Whether acute or chronic- all conditions can be dealt […]

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Sea Buckthorn

Nutrient Fact File Sea Buckthorn We have seen from historical records, the Chinese were the first to document use of Sea Buckthorn for its medicinal properties. More than a thousand years ago Sea Buckthorn was added to a classical Tibetan medical book.  In 1977, after numerous studies, it was also added to the Chinese Pharmacologia. For a full […]

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How do I naturally boost the immune system?

How do I naturally boost the immune system? Inflammation is key to healing and the immune system- it is the way the body puts up barriers to shield off the area needing repair. By allowing the inflammation, heat (fever), pain and swelling to be like a no go area (like when resurfacing a road) you are allowing […]

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Save Our Natural Sleep

Giving definition to the word Insomnia together with the statistic that 1/2 the population suffer at some point and to some degree is food for thought. I have on occasion found it difficult to get to sleep, stay asleep or wake refreshed. This book does an amazing job of not only outlining what good sleep […]

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