Tag: lavender

Naturopath’s Family Travel Kit

Preping for travel. Packing with a family is such a headache! I need to make sure I have just enough just in case but not too much that we are lugging stuff all over the place!! I always make sure I have lavender- good for most things- immune boosting, anti bacterial, calming (good for sunburn […]

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Ask the Aromatherapist

Ask the Aromatherapist; Jenny Ostling I have used Essential oils for years. I have made body/face oils, made my own after-sun, natural sunscreen, bath oils, scrubs and so on for my family and clients (just like ones you can find on Thank Your Body). I am a Naturopath but I am not an aromatherapist. I […]

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Carrot and Coconut Oil Natural Sunscreen

Natural Sunscreen is top of my list of things to take in my bag whilst out and about or on holiday. I make 30 ml bottles so they are easily portable and I can have one in my handbag, nappy bag, beach bag and pool bag! When you are looking for a sunscreen for you […]

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5 Ways to be Safe in the Sun…

The sun is back here in Hong Kong, and I hear it is coming out where you are too. I love the sun and I rarely apply sun tan lotion as I have a healthy respect for it. I certainly do not use a product full of chemicals and petrochemicals (here) If I am going […]

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