Tag: grain free

Baked Falafel

Baked Falafel 1 can Chickpeas (you can also use dried chickpeas that have been soaked/sprouted) ½ cup fresh coriander ½ cup fresh parsley 2 cloves of garlic Salt and pepper 1-2 tbs olive oil Mix all the ingredients in a food processor adding the olive oil until the right consistency to roll into balls. Heat oven to […]

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Gluten: Friend or Foe

Gluten: Friend or Foe ‘Gluten free’ seems to be the new buzz. Leaving grains out of the diet is a big part of the Paleo diet that you may have heard people talk about. There are those of us who may be Celiac (5-10% of the population are) and those who may just be a little sensitive […]

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Chia porridge

  Chia Porridge w/Seeds, Nuts & Berries Wow it seems a long time ago since I first started eating Chia for breakfast. I have never looked back This was first written in Nov 2012. I have a 10k race tomorrow, my first since having my second baby 18 weeks ago. I am nervous as so […]

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Beetroot Brownies

I love these brownies I have given them to ‘brownie haters’ and they have liked them! Seriously rich and delicious brownies with way more goodness than the normal ones! Ingredients 400g/2 1/2 cups Raw Beetroot peeled and roughly chopped (use plastic gloves if you don’t want to stain your fingers) then add to saucepan and […]

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Almond and coconut flour kefir pancakes

My hubby came up with this recipe. These are based on Jamie Oliver’s American pancake recipe, changing the ingredients but keeping e method. Whipping the whites gives these pancakes an amazing lightness. If you need it to be egg free you may lose this lightness. You can substitute the eggs with ground flax- 1 egg= […]

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Gluten-free Christmas Mince Pies

  Gluten-free Christmas Mince Pies Have not made my own mince meat for our christmas mince pies again this year- will have to put it on the ‘to do’ list for next year!! But here is a tasty gluten free pastry recipe that’s simple to make and use. I also use this pastry for apple […]

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Coconut Yoghurt breakfast bowl

I normally have two fried eggs for breakfast, sometimes with Kimchi and bacon and sometimes with my Nacho not Cheese Kale chips. Sometimes I get bored of eggs, rare, but it does happen. I try to stay away from dairy (except ghee) and grains, especially when I am eating whole 30, which I tend to […]

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Grain-Free Pizza

  Grain Free Pizza Base I have played with several grain free pizza bases over the years. We have been using this recipe for a year now and I am ready to share it with you all. In my experience grain free bases are a faff to make and never taste like pizza most of […]

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Weaning Recipes from Nurture Your Life

Weaning Recipes Have your read my new REAL FOOD way to wean your child? Its called Nurture Your Life (link here). These weaning recipes are all featured in the book.  Here are all the recipes with their links from the book. Let me know your favourite! First foods: (4-8 months depending on child’s ability to […]

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How to ferment; Beetroot and Ginger Sauerkraut

Basic Sauerkraut is so delicious (see my how to here). I have it with eggs, add it so my coleslaw (kraut slaw here) and try to have it with any meat dish as a side. The sour flavour works well to stimulate gastric acids too so it a great primer for any fat, protein rich […]

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