Tag: fresh herbs


Nutrient Fact File; Sage I am a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist. I make recommendations to my clients based on their individual needs. If this information is useful to you please discuss your options with your trained health practitioner able to help you to make natural choices that are suitable for your individual needs. Take responsibility […]

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Building our Urban Homestead

I love to grow things. I am especially good at growing and nurturing humans! I am not so successful with plants. When I met my husband, he helped me to develop my garden in London and loves taking the kids out into nature with me. It is a huge blessing that he has this affection […]

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Coconut and Ginger Chicken Soup

I love chicken soup it is not just for the soul but such an amazing all round nutritious and healing meal. Combine it with ginger and coconut, cooked in stock you are on to a real winner both in nutrients and taste! I also add turmeric, garlic and onion to this to further boost its immune […]

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