Tag: anti-inflammatory foods

How do I naturally boost the immune system?

How do I naturally boost the immune system? Inflammation is key to healing and the immune system- it is the way the body puts up barriers to shield off the area needing repair. By allowing the inflammation, heat (fever), pain and swelling to be like a no go area (like when resurfacing a road) you are allowing […]

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Apricot Kernels

Nutrient Fact File Apricot Kernels Apricot Kernels are from the inside of the seed of an apricot. The Scientific Name(s) are Prunus armeniaca L. (Rosaceae) ; P. armeniaca L. var. vulgaris Zabel. They are very common here in Hong Kong as they are used in congee and powdered to make a tea. They have  been used medicinally in […]

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Natural Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients

Natural Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients So you have read about inflammation, what it is, how you can change your lifestyle to heal from inflammation. Now you are looking for food sources of natural anti- inflammatories?. I advise my clients on anti-inflammatory foods on a case by case basis and this information is here to help you to […]

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