Sweet Potato Rosti

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe eat a lot of sweet potato. The kids and I love it- my husband doesn’t mind them- but its not a potato! We eat them mainly as chips but since I don’t have an oven, only a halogen oven, sometimes I don’t have the space for chips. This happened recently so I got creative!


1 Large Sweet Potato

1 tbs Coconut oil


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAusing a julienne peeler I peeled the sweet potato. I put the ribbons into a bowl and poured in the coconut oil, salt and pepper. I used my hands to ensure all the ribbons were lightly coated.

In a frying pan I gathers some ribbons up into a nest shape and carefully placed in the pan. After a couple of minutes I carefully turned them over. I then removed them onto kitchen paper and continued until the bowl was empty.


At this point you could freeze them or store them in the fridge if you want to make them ahead.

I then put them in the oven to reheat and to crisp them up. at 180 C for 10-15 minutes.

We had them with Roast chicken and veggies! They were yummy and nice to have something a bit different!


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