Save Our Natural Sleep



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Giving definition to the word Insomnia together with the statistic that 1/2 the population suffer at some point and to some degree is food for thought. I have on occasion found it difficult to get to sleep, stay asleep or wake refreshed. This book does an amazing job of not only outlining what good sleep is, why sleeping pills make the situation worse but, of course, sets you on a journey towards great sleep. Something I am very excited about sharing.

I enjoy reading Emily’s style of writing- she is clear, to the point and very well researched. Her explanations about the different stages of sleep are very easy to understand and allow you to identify potential issues that can easily be turned around, especially thinking about the way light affects our sleep which makes me feel better that we do not have blackout blinds or night lights in our nor the kids rooms. I am also inspired to invest in a grounding sheet for us and the Kids. Especially when at the computer as they have one you can put your feet on (more information here and read about Grounding here), make one myself or at least feeling the ground beneath my bare feet as much as possible.

The nutritional advice is sound and makes excellent sense. Balancing blood sugars and therefore hormones is at the centre of great sleep. However I learnt a lot about the relationship with fats and CO2 with sleep and I found that information fascinating. There is also so much information about supplements, foods to choose and avoid and the book give s good goals for example against screen time at night (she says typing away very late and tired!)

Even if you do not consider yourself an insomniac there is something  in that will enhance your sleep- and if you are- why haven’t you bought it already! There is excellent information, great advice and very good recipes for successful, deep and rejuvenating sleep- I do not know anyone that cannot benefit from this book and recommend it wholeheartedly.

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 If you use essential oils, here is a great natural sleep roll-on from Living Consciously.


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