My favourite fruit is Mango. Packed with great nutrition like Vitamin C I love their sweet juicy sometimes tangy taste. I really missed the Asian Mangoes when I lived in the UK. Now I have found my supplier from India I am set and am buying them by the box. even though the whole family loves them I wanted to make the most of them being in season right now.
I have read loads of recipes for Raw Jam and it seemed so easy- sugar free and hassle free just 3 ingredients! I love Chia too. It is tough getting my daughter to eat it, she is resisting it even though she sees her brother and I have it every morning. But she has her muesli so I am not complaining! This however is a great way to get her to eat it! On our pancakes, on flatbreads and even in her muesli she is gobbling it up. I am also adding it to my green drinks and Chia and coconut yoghurt for breakfast for my son and I
Here it is on my Quinoa Flatbreads
2 Ripe Mangoes (flesh)
2 tbs Chia seeds
1 tbs of water.
Depending on how what consistancy (rough or smooth) you like your Jam you can either mash the mango flesh or blitz it in the blender with the water. Add to a jar. Mix in the chia seeds and place in the fridge to ‘set’. I’m not kidding it is as easy as that. I love it. Of course you can do the same with any fruit you like! mix it up a bit- I am going make Pina Colada next with coconut and pinapple and a squeeze of lime, Jackfruit, mixed berry and the cherries and lychee season has begun!!