Mama Upfront- The Armitage’s Mama
Celebrating Mama’s using natural methods to keep their families healthy happy. Shining a spotlight on all the amazing things you Mama’s are doing out there and letting us know what is working and what may need some tweaking! Here we will share what works for our families as we strive to feed ourselves and our kids real food, keep as close to nature intended and just respect the world in general because sometimes we feel like we are on our own and fighting a lonely battle!
This Mama has a couple of famous recipes within the Healthy Living community here in Hong Kong. She has given me loads to use like weekly lunch box schedules and ideas for kids food. She is an inspiration to others with a wicked sense of humour! I am very please to include this genius recipe she has kindly let me share with you all…
Over to you Armitage’s Mama
We have been in HK for nearly 8 years. I have always enjoyed food and cooking but my interest in organic, locally produced food really kicked in after the birth of our first daughter in Canada in 2003.
We were very lucky to live very close to an amazing market: full of beautiful artisanal produce. I enjoyed buying all my fruit, veg, meat and dairy there and was taught a lot by some very patient and knowledgeable market vendors.
We relocated home, back to Scotland and discovered joys of local farmer’s markets, specialist farms etc. However we then moved to Northern China. Oh dear…..!
The days were spent following rumours of finding ANY decent uncontaminated food! China is inundated with ‘fake’ food causing an influx of mainlanders flocking to Hong Kong to buy up everything in the supermarket( I kid you not!). ‘Twas a dark time trying to healthily wean a baby!
The move to HK in 2006 taught me to consider how much I was prepared to pay rather than asking if it was available to buy! Sadly that is still true, I constantly hold internal debates about clean food from far afield versus local food of slightly doubtful provenance. However, this worry is overshadowed by the enormous amount of learning I have been exposed to via the wonder of the Healthy Living fb group. What a revelation!
Little more than a year ago I was ignorant about dehydrating, fermenting and the wonders of a Vitamix! I am still learning every day and researching new ways of nourishing my family. Luckily we seem to have no allergies or intolerances and I have been blessed with kids who eat first and ask questions later! This makes experimenting fun.
Living here with help has given me the luxury of time to research recipes and I enjoy trying to expand what we eat as a family. Have to say though that pasta pesto is still a firm favourite…..
(nothing wrong with pesto pasta once in a while- depends on how its made! Loula ;))
Here is Niamh’s recipe;
If you are searching for ingredients in Hong Kong iDetox has a great selection (they sell Cocobono) at good prices- otherwise iherb is the general consensus. Use code WJZ679 for $10USD off your first order. Quinoa is very easy to find- most supermarkets stock it. Otherwise you could also find organic Millet.
This is a similar lunch box that Niamh uses.
A big thank you to Niamh- I hope to feature her fermented ketchup mayo and her genius kefir fruit roll ups really soon!
Come and share recipes, natural first aid tips and other stories and methods we can all learn from. Please feel free to write to me, Loula Natural, if you would like to be up front and centre as a ‘Mama’s Up Front’.
other Mama’s