Boozy Pineapple Ginger Kefir Kolada

Boozy Pineapple Ginger Kefir Kolada Loula Natural

We have had solid rain for weeks- we went away for a few days and got some much needed sunshine. So when the sun came out to day and we hit the pool, we talked about creating a sundowner to take us back to our holiday.

Since I teach classes on Kefir and Kombucha and am always trying out new flavour combinations for Culture Your Life (the hardcopy version out soon)- I have a fridge full of kefir flavours! One of our family favourites is Pineapple ginger (a second ferment with fresh pineapple slices and ginger root), perfect for what we are thinking!

We also always have fresh coconut in the fridge or freezer and actually had frozen pineapple in the freezer for our yonana nights! Do those ingredients sound familiar? Add some malibu to the mix (another leftover from the holiday- we added it to our fresh coconuts!)

Funnily enough at the same time my friend Lantau Mama was making her own version- without the booze! Check it out here…

I have loads of other Kefir Cocktail Recipes in my book Culture Your Life. Recipes have a spirit recommendation to make them boozy!

culture box

See more drink options (boozy and not boozy!) here on my Fermenting Inspiration pinterest board;
Follow Loula Natural’s board +Loula Natural’s Fermenting Inspiration+ on Pinterest.

Boozy Pineapple Ginger Kefir Kolada Loula Natural Pin


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