How to open a coconut- step by step

Want to stop drinking the pastuerised coconut water- but been scared to get into a coconut? Use this method to get inside and make the best use of the Coconut Water and meat. See why here, see coconut milk, coconut yoghurt and cream


Use the knife to push in and down following the hard shell beneath. Turn the coconut on its side and keep working your way around
You will eventually reveal the shell part. Turn the coconut back on to it’s side
Use the bottom corner of the knife and tap away- mind your fingers!
Until you make the incision through the shell
Turn the coconut back over so you can lever the tip of the knife in the incision and wiggle side to side and up and down
The top will come off in a handy circle nice and neat!
Use a suitable sized measuring jug to place over the top of the coconut hold with both hands and…



Upturn nice and quick, catching the water
Meat is normally soft and wet enough to use a spoon to scoop it out
Meat is normally soft and wet enough to use a spoon to scoop it out
Us to make cream, milk and yoghurt or just eat fresh!
Us to make cream, milk and yoghurt or just eat fresh!

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