How to Make Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Cauliflower pizza


I really wanted to try and make a cauliflower crust. At the time my Son was 7 months old so I wanted a Gluten free, nut free, egg free, grain free and dairy free version. I couldnt find one so I created one! (adapted from my Quinoa Flatbreads) We have had this a few times now and is a firm favourite in our house so now that he is 1 (so is tolerating nuts and egg) I don’t feel the need to change what works! It is a little time intensive (waiting for Chia, quinoa and flax to soak) but its only 30 mins!

Here it is!


1 Whole Cauliflower

1/2 cup Quinoa

1/4 cup Chia seeds

1/4 cup Ground Flax

1 Cup water

1/2-1 cup Multi Purpose Gluten Free Flour (more for dusting)

1-2 tbs Nutritional Yeast

Salt and Pepper

(optional extras- herbs dried or fresh, paprika, turmeric, cumin)

Begin by mixing the Quinoa, Chia, Ground flax with the water and leaving it to soak until it becomes Gel like.


Blitz cauliflower in the food processor till it resembles rice. You need to drain the water otherwise the dough is too sloppy and sticky. I find the easiest way to do this is using a nut bag.


Mix the two together then add the nutritional yeast and generously season with salt and pepper. Add the flour bit by bit until it comes to a firm slightly sticky dough. Taste as you go and season as appropriate (add additional extras too). Make sure you use grease proof paper on your baking sheet and flour it really well as well as your hands. Press the dough out to the size you want ( I make smaller ones for the Kids) and make sure you flip the dough over to ensure it is not stuck to the paper and flour up!


Bake at 180 for 15 mins, then flip the base over (hence why you want a lot of flour!) and bake the other side for 10-15 mins

When it is done add your tomato sauce (I just use simple passata) Our favourite toppings are;

Salami, peppers, goats cheese, red onion, olives, artichokes, asparagus (pictures show our peppers, onion asparagus and goats cheese combo for vegetarian night!)

kids pizza

Return to the oven or grill for a further 10 mins until toppongs are done. Eat straigth away. The cauliflower really comes through when it gets cold! It can be reheated in the oven though if you have leftovers! It is a nutritionally dense meal so you will not want loads- serve with a simple salad! Great dinner for kids and adults alike (Even my husband loves it!)

FinalCauliflower pizza

What is your favourite pizza topping?

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