Healthy Snacks
Lunch boxes, after school, before dinner, pre/post work outs, 11’s, with a cup of tea/coffee, sugar slump at 3/4, friends over, picnics, or just because- snacks are in our lives. I used to snack badly. I would generally get so hungry I would be grabbing for something, normally high in carbs and low in fat.
Over the last few years I have completely reversed my attitude to fats (see my posts here and here) and grains. My body has had a huge amount of healing and shape changing to go through to compensate for the years of bad choices and bad information I have been subjecting it to.
My metabolism and blood sugar levels were the pits and my moods and disproportionate stomach size completely proved it. Now I am more balanced and am finally becoming the shape I have always wanted. It has taken time, ups and downs and lows and highs, but one thing has helped me through it- snacking wisely!
I have also really helped my daughter to try and achieve balance by helping her to snack wisely too. Her days are better at school when she has eaten her fats, less good when she hasn’t (see here for why schools need to do more for our kids nutrition). Her energy is calmer and her mood swings much more moderate. Score for us all!!! She is also super lean and strong. She just got chosen to be her house female representative in running (proud mum moment!).
So, to lose weight, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, heal your digestive system, moderate your immune system, get some energy, build strong muscles, increase memory and brain function, balance mood swings, reduce joint pain and so many other benefits- INCREASE FATS and REDUCE GRAINS.
Snacking is great when done right…..
Savoury snacks; Not all of us have a sweet tooth apparently! One of my favourite snacks whilst cooking dinner is to throw my sweet potato or carrot peelings in an oven proof dish, cover with coconut oil and salt and in the oven for 10-15 mins to turn into crisps (or chips for you over the pond!)
Try some of these savoury snacks- great for lunch boxes too…
For those with more of a sweet tooth- try some of these.
Here are some energy balls. I find these so easy to make up and to add to boxes as travel snacks. Great on the go for all ages and are brilliant to keep the moaning at bay! Pretty much anything can be thrown into them so they can easily cater to all nutritional needs. Also the kids love to make them with you- a sure fire way that they will eat them!
Last one- in a rush- here are some smoothies to give you the same nutritional punch of healthy fats, proteins and nutrient rich carbohydrates.
Also check out this great list of fat bombs– featuring your’s truly too!!