Gluten Free Gingerbread


Great for kids

100g sugar (coconut)
113g in salted butter (or coconut mana)

Cream together in the mixer
Sieve in 140g baking gluten free mix- or any gluten free flour
Tsp flax meal mixed with a little water as an egg substitute
30g ground almonds (I use the ones from my almond milk!)
Um- ground ginger, cinnamon, all spice, nutmeg
Grated ginger about a thumb to knuckle size
Tasted and added more ground ginger!
Vanilla essence and a pince pink salt!

Let it sit in the fridge for an hour- roll it thin for cookies and thicker for house (and probably make 4x as much)

Bake at 180 for about 10 mins- allow to cool then ice if you want.

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