For Your Christmas Breakfast Table

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For Your Christmas Breakfast Table


For Your Christmas Table Loula Natural Buckleytree

Christmas is a very special time for me and the family. I spent my first Christmas without my family in 2010 when I spent it with my husbands family. It is really strange experiencing other people’s strong traditions. For example we always decorate the tree on Christmas Eve- but we haven’t had a Christmas in our own home since 2009 so that tradition has kind of been forgotten.  However I guess that means as a family we are developing our own traditions- ones our kids will learn to love.

This post is about giving you some ideas of recipes to use on Christmas day (and before and after if you so wish!)

For Your Christmas Breakfast Table

My brother and I had a deal with our parents- they could have ONE cup of tea and ONE biscuit before they would get up and we could start opening presents! It lasted well into our late 20’s! Except towards the end it was them trying to get us up as we would be terribly jet lagged from the long trip home (London to Hong Kong!). We are yet to establish anything with our kids but here are some great options for breakfast before wrapping paper starts to fly off in all directions!

Veggie Converter
For your Christmas table Loula Natural from Veggie Converter

Be Food Savvy

For Your Christmas Table

Loula Natural (ME!)

Blueberry Kefir Muffins
Blueberry Kefir Muffins

Beauty and the Foodie

For Your Christmas Table Loula Natural from Beauty and the foodie

Jules Fuel

For Your Chrismas Table Loula NAtural from Jules Fuel easy-egg-mcnothin

Dont Mess With Mama

For Your Christmas Breakfast Table Loula Natural from Dont mess with Mama

Here are some others;

Hope this gives you loads of ideas for your christmas breakfast table. Coming Next are recipes for the main event… Mains, Sides and Veggie options

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