I love Rhubarb- crumble, in my coconut yoghurt, in my slow cooked porridge and just off a spoon. The sharp sour taste really wakes up the taste buds- so when I saw packets of it in the supermarket I grabbed them and so i don’t find it at the bottom of the fridge all soggy I cooked it straight away.
Ginger goes so well with Rhubarb and works beautifully at warming you up as the temperature drops! I cook the Rhubarb without sugar first then sweeten to taste at the end otherwise the sugar caramelizes and I find it too sweet!
As much rhubarb as will fit in the crockpot!
1 tsp Salt
1 tbs Water
3 tbs coconut sugar.
On low for 3 hours. Sweeten to taste. When cooled add to your jar and store in the fridge, can also be frozen in portions.