How to Cook Christmas Dinner

How to make Christmas Dinner Loula Naturalfb

How to Cook Christmas Dinner

Cooking Christmas dinner can feel like such a daunting experience. It is actually pretty simple (she says!). It is all about the timing. I have put together some lists that help me to get through the day smoothly (it really helps to appoint a chief washer upper- or have your dishwasher on constantly!).

Christmas Vegetables Loula Natural

These lists are downloadable and printable to make it easy for you to cook christmas dinner. All recipes are made with whole food, nutrient dense ingredients and you can substitute where needed to suit your dietary needs. I have based my time line on eating a 13lb 12oz (6kg)Turkey at 180C/375F,  which will feed 6 adults easily. You may need to adjust your timings using this conversion cooking chart; (source)

turkey times

 Happy Christmas Diner Loula Natural

Here is the Christmas Menu   Christmas Menu

Christmas Starters Loula Natural

The shopping list is based on half of the party not liking smoked salmon (like mine!) Some of the items on the list may already be in your store cupboard but I have included absolutely everything to help you. Before you go shopping print the list and strike off what you already have. Now its time to cook christmas dinner!

Turkey Ham for Christmas Loula Natural

I have listed some amounts so that you have an idea of how much you have to buy but please use your own judgement! I prefer to buy organic, local, fresh food however it depends what is available for you and within your budget. 

Christmas Menu Shopping List Loula Natural Here is your printable Shopping List;  Christmas Menu Shopping List Loula Natural   

 Gravy and Cranberry Sauce

Here are the To Do Lists;

Christmas Menu To Do List Loula Natural

Christmas Day To Do List Loula Natural

This is the printable version;

To Do List Christmas Dinner Loula Natural

Christmas SherryTriffle Loula Natural

Merry Christmas xxx

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