Choco Coco Snackaroons

Choco coco snackaroons Loula Natural fb Choco Coco Snackaroons

As my daughter is back to school its all about snacks and lunches for me- coming up with ideas to keep her going and keeping her balanced is another full time job!!

So when I saw a pack of coconut macaroons in the health food shop I was interested in maybe seeing if she liked them- then I saw the price of them! I put them back and decided to make them myself. 

Choco snackaroon Loula Natural ball

I actually made these with my two year old son today they are that easy!!!

Here is my pinterest board with my lunchbox ideas;
Follow Pinterest’s board Pin pets on Pinterest.

Loula Natural

Here they are in my daughters lunchbox this week!

snackaroons in lunchbox Loula Natural

Choco coco snackaroons Loula Natural pin

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