Lemon Sage Cordial


Lemon Sage Cordial

  Lemon Sage Cordial We are used to seeing sage as a culinary herb, but did you know about all of the amazing medicinal uses? Used in most cultures around the world for centuries, Sage has so many amazing benefits. Containing anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds which may help to protect, and heal, cells throughout the […]

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Sprouted Lentil Slaw and Hummus

Every week we have a vegetarian and a fish night. Now that summer is on its way there will also be a raw night. I believe 80/20 ratio fits my families lifestyle completely. 80% of the time we are incredibly healthy- always cook fresh and have a good mix of protein, carbs and fat. the […]

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Baked Falafel

Baked Falafel 1 can Chickpeas (you can also use dried chickpeas that have been soaked/sprouted) ½ cup fresh coriander ½ cup fresh parsley 2 cloves of garlic Salt and pepper 1-2 tbs olive oil Mix all the ingredients in a food processor adding the olive oil until the right consistency to roll into balls. Heat oven to […]

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Home made Hummus

Hummus   One of my favourites snacks with cut veg, and as an addition to flatbreads salads, falafel, or halumi. Super nutritious and really easy to make. Kids love it, especially babies!. This is my version, I have been making it for years but I know some women who have had recipes handed down and make it […]

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Ginger, Lemon and Honey Tea

Ginger Lemon and Honey Tea This is a good morning or end of the day tea. It is cleansing, boosting and healing. Use good quality ingredients and you will get the best out of it. Using raw or Manuka (at least 10+) Honey for the best benefits, but add honey after water has cooled somewhat […]

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I have made countless batchs of this home-made toothpaste now. I started making it because buying fluoride , paraben and other nasty free toothpaste is difficult over here (I bought Aloedent in the UK) and really really expensive.  Store bought toothpaste and mouth wash will kill even the good germs and enzymes in your mouth. Making your own is […]

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Spring into Health

  Why does a change of season suddenly bring with it so many symptoms of illness? What can we do to recognise our body’s reaction and how can we boost immunity naturally? A change of season, especially in Hong Kong, not only brings about a change in temperature but also a change in humidity, daylight […]

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Quinoa Flatbreads

I have a 6 month old who is loving eating, a 3 year old who has an adventurous palate, a gluten intolerant dad who we live with and a husband who is unenthusiastic about eating vegetarian food as he doesnt think it will fill him up (He’s also Irish, the land of meat and 2 […]

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Balls of Energy

I have a few friends who make yummy protein energy balls for themselves and their kids as snacks. There are many different recipes about. I like to make them with my daughter and son as they absolutely love them. I tend to use what I have in the cupboard and am largely directed by them! […]

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Skin Treatments

I have had many of you ask me about skin issues. What to use on the skin, how to soothe skin, protect skin, replenish skin and how to heal skin. So here are some insights into nutrients to nourish skin from the outside and some ways to keep it healthy on the outside. Of course […]

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