Personal Training

What am I so mad about?

Someone I respect as both a person and as a Personal Trainer posted this recently; “Never ever listen to an overweight person trying to give you nutritional advice…” It made me so mad for many reasons. 1. What is overweight anyway? By labelling someone as overweight you are saying they are not ideal weight. But who’s ideal? […]

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Go for it- keep winning

Today I ran further and I ran harder. I had been giving myself a lot of excuses lately about not reaching my goals- the result was a dejected, unsatisfied sluggish me. So I pushed myself- I basically put my running shoes on with my pj’s (not quite but let’s face it in Hk no-one would […]

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DIY Circuit

Before I start I am a fully trained Personal trainer and have been doing circuits for over a decade. If you are not used to exercise or unsure, always consult a professional first or join a class Circuits are one of the keys to training. Whether you are looking to lose weight, gain weight, sculpt, […]

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Running for my life…

I have always loved watching people run. Nowadays as a Personal Trainer I just love watching peoples Gait and going through my mind how I would help make them more efficient, run faster and so often how they can prevent injuries I can see coming. As a kid and teenager I always loved the idea […]

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So this week I did one of my runs as sprint training. Partly because this time I was on the treadmill and I get bored easily and partly because I was running low on motivation and I find sprints get my competitive juices going. There are loads of ways to inject sprints into your workshop […]

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Need a little help from from my friend

In everyone’s life there are moments that feel suspended in time. Where you feel time runs away with you and that its going to take so much time to get where you want to be. I find myself getting lost- chasing so many tails I don’t remember which one is the most important, and which […]

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Wall bridge

Saw this on pinterest and loved it. Whilst doing my running and trying to get a swim in which is harder now our pool downstairs is closed. I am trying to at least get one exercise in a day- this can be done in any clothes too so no more excuses. Also this week my […]

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Crossfit notes

Okay guys, thanks for joining me. I am a fully trained pre and post natal trainer with loads of experience, but if I cant see you its difficult to correct you and make these appropriate to you and your level. Please ask if you have any questions. Obviously if it doesn’t feel right, please stop. […]

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Exercising Post Natal: Abs check.

Before you do any high impact exercise like running or weights (like body pump) you need to ensure your abdominals have come back together to protect your spine. There is a simple test you can do to check. Ideally I would come and show you how to do it, if you are a member of […]

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5-4-3-2-1 notes

So this week I wanted a circuit I could either do I. It’s entirety or one I could do bits of to fit around the day. With a baby and toddler you never know how much time you are gonna get and righ now I would rather succeed in my goals than fail and give […]

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