
The Power of Breathing

Simple Breathing Techniques The more I get to know myself and others around me, the more I am reminded of the importance of taking a breath. Being mindful inoticing in the present, without any judgement. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to no longer feel stuck in guilt or remorse about the past or anxious and controlling […]

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A life lived in fear is a life half lived

Whilst at a book club for Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani (Inspiring book) we were talking about how simple her message is. Love yourself. I have thought about it a lot mentioned it now several times. Although a simple concept, why is it so hard to practice? Fear? Someone at the book club […]

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Why not being perfect is okay with me

I battle within myself about not being perfect. I mean who doesn’t? Recently I have marveled at how incredibly strong my body is, how quick my mind is and how good I am at problem solving. I think not being perfect is an incredibly useful tool for our children to learn and so recently have started admitting […]

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What are the Chakras?

What are the Chakras? Why do we use them? How do they help in mindfulness? You may be aware of the mindfulness course Inner Rainbow Mindfulness. The basic structure of the course is based on the 7 colours of the rainbow, connected to 7 themes and runs over 7 weeks. Many have asked us why […]

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What is Kinesiology

What is Kinesiology Written by Kate Baldwin Kinesiology is an alternative health practice that arose from Chiropractics in the 1960’s. It combines a detailed understanding of Anatomy and Physiology with Eastern energy practices. It looks for the root causes behind symptoms, health concerns, emotional trouble or the inability to move forward and works to address […]

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Inner Rainbow Mindfulness Course

Inner Rainbow Mindfulness for All Ages Throughout my years of being in the health industry I have been constantly reminded of the importance of emotional and spiritual health. Without those two hugely important factors physical health cannot be achieved. It is the most amazing thing seeing people’s energy rising dramatically when inner emotional factors have […]

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Day 1 EFT for PTSD Challenge.

There are books and have been numerous studies (see below for links) conducted about the effectiveness of using Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping in PTSD conditions. Trauma can play a huge impact on our behavioural patterns, some for the good (ie falling down when trying to walk as a baby can help us to […]

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Bach Flower Remedies

  I am a fully qualified Naturopath and I use Bach Flower Remedies in my professional and personal life. These views are my own and not written to impose views on you, but rather to empower and encourage you to take responsibility for your own health and your own choices. If you are interested to […]

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New Year, Same old me

  New Year…same old me. For the last 4 years I have not set a single new year resolution (here is last years new year post). This year I have not even given myself an expectation as to how I will change over the year! January is a month for hibernation. Almost always, the coldest, […]

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New year, Real me

You may have noticed that I have not written a thing since before Christmas. It is now the last week of January and I finally feel like I have something to say! I was very tired at the end of last year. I have a strange combination of doing everything at once and then sticking […]

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