Skin Treatments


Skin Treatments

I have had many of you ask me about skin issues. What to use on the skin, how to soothe skin, protect skin, replenish skin and how to heal skin. So here are some insights into nutrients to nourish skin from the outside and some ways to keep it healthy on the outside. Of course […]

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It’s not easy being green, till you know how!

I love smoothies and juices (as long as the fibre remains) . I have a smoothie with a protein powder and milk kefir in the morning and I make a green juice in the afternoon to wake me up till dinner! Its a fine line between juice and cold soup sometimes! Coincidently I make mine […]

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Gluten: Friend or Foe

Gluten: Friend or Foe ‘Gluten free’ seems to be the new buzz. Leaving grains out of the diet is a big part of the Paleo diet that you may have heard people talk about. There are those of us who may be Celiac (5-10% of the population are) and those who may just be a little sensitive […]

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Placenta Encapsulation saved my sanity!

I had a tough time adjusting after my daughter was born. I felt weepy, resentful, confused, out of control and I had no idea what mothers instinct felt like. All I felt was very overwhelmed and under-slept! I thought ‘no wonder people are labelled with Post Natal Depression’.  The immediate change in your life, so […]

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Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Bread Works best when making mini loafs as they stay moist and not too dense. 4 tbs coconut sugar, 2 tbs coconut nectar 2tbs Olive oil, 2tbs coconut oil 1tbs Kefir (any-optional but makes it lighter) 400g Pureed pumpkin ¼ lemon squeezed Thumbnail size of grated ginger. 1 cup Almond Flour, ½ cup Quinoa Flour […]

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Baked Pumpkin Donuts

I have been finding out about my home country in the past few month, my new and old friends have made me aware of places I have never been before. Recently my great friend Angela took me to one of her favourite places and now also one of mine!!! I saw this recipe before and […]

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Honey and onion immune booster and cough elixir

Onions are amazing at drawing out bacteria and microbes.  They also have anti-inflammatory and congestion-relieving properties. Also onions are recognised as being able to relieve symptoms of the flu such as coughs, congestion, respiratory infections and bronchitis, as they contain anti-viral elements. They are also high in sulfuric compounds such as thiosulfinates, Research shows that the thiosulfinates in […]

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Reading list

Many of you have asked me for some book recommendations here are some if my absolute favourites. This is by no means a definitive list there are many more amazing books- please help me by letting me know if I have missed any of yours! Enlightening: The Gentle Art of Blessing- Pierre Pradervand Ask and it […]

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What is in these vaccines that makes them so wrong…

  This was a question asked today and whilst I knew most ingredients- someone put it way better than me… Here’s my very knowledgeable friends reply: The question should be what isn’t in a vaccine! Most vaccines will contain at least a few from this list: disease causing agents that have been cultivated from monkey […]

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Rocky Road Coconut Ice-cream

I will never go back to dairy ice cream- coconut ice-cream all the way. You may have noticed a trend with my recipes! Chocolate. Combine that with coconut ice-cream and I am very happy! I love Chocolate- there’s nothing wrong with it. In the right form and the right amount it’s really good for you- […]

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