How do I naturally boost the immune system?
Inflammation is key to healing and the immune system- it is the way the body puts up barriers to shield off the area needing repair. By allowing the inflammation, heat (fever), pain and swelling to be like a no go area (like when resurfacing a road) you are allowing that area to get what it needs. By ignoring these symptoms and surpressing them with anti-histamines, anti-inflammatories, pain killers, steroids, antibiotics and so many other methods you are prolonging the area the time and resources it needs to heal and return to optimum health. By using natural methods to boost the immune system, you can promote healing and repair of the whole body.
Look to nutrients which support the immune system and all the jobs it needs to do- central to this, of course, are bacteria. Fermented foods are the easiest way to get the body balanced. A man named Antoine Bechamp (who worked alongside Louis Pasteur) discovered tiny organisms he called “microzymas” which are present in all things – animal, vegetable, and mineral, whether living or dead. Depending upon the condition of the host, these microzymas could assume various forms. Bad bacteria and viruses were simply the forms assumed by the microzymas when there was a condition of disease. In a diseased body, the microzymas became pathological bacteria and viruses all in the name of survival. In a healthy body, microzymas formed healthy cells. Fermented foods have a balanced ratio of these microzyma’s which can morph, adapt and transform into what the body needs to regain balance.
Also read this great article from Lynn Margulis about how Kefir forms in the same manner. There is also this one on multicellularity;
“Single celled micro-organisms are constantly interacting with their neighbours, from individuals of the same species to cells from different domains of life, forming complex biofilm patterns, complex nutritional symbioses, and complex clumps.” (source)
Here is Kefir under the microscope;
Sometimes this may mean the body’s inflammatory response will turn on to set up a healing area so that the body is able to find energy, strength and motivation. A common thing I hear is that ‘fermented foods do not agree with me”. This is not true- the body has to sometimes go through upheaval to achieve balance. We are 10-20 times more bacterial cells than human cells. Fermented foods are essential for every age to boost the immune system.
Every human on the planet needs fermented foods in their daily diet. Regardless of age.
Firstly REDUCE the IMPACT of Stress
Excessive stress (whether mental, physical or emotional) is detrimental to your immune system and therefore your overall health. Stress affects you by drawing away your life blood from the organs to supply the skeletal muscles in the fight or flight mode. Whether you perceive stress or not, stress is a reaction to stimulus, whether that be walking down the road in a city with everything going on around you, to being overworked and underfed in a job situation, to constantly worrying about anything and everything.
Even watching TV is a stressful situation as the constant flicker and movement is incredibly stimulating. In fight or flight (the opposite being the Relaxation response) mode the blood supply is diverted away from your organs to the skeletal muscles. By diverting the blood supply you are taking away nutrients, oxygen and life source away from the cells in your vital organs disrupting the essential environment and processes for cellular health. Any stagnation, mental, physical and emotional will also contribute to this. To boost the immune system we need to have times in the day to return to rest and recovery mode.
Use Breathing techniques (here is my Rainbow Breathing and Simple Meditation from Real Fit Mama)
Visualisation techniques
Gentle exercise like hiking and yoga
Get into nature- grounding
Bach Flower Remedies
Aromatherapy (essential oils)
Get back to REST and RECOVERY everyday for at least 1-5 minutes. Tiny changes can make huge differences.
Nutrients needed to boost the immune system then also help the bacterial levels in your body or will help the body through the various stages of inflammation (heat, swelling, pain and redness (blood circulation).
Nutrients that help can naturally help balance bacteria;
Fermented foods (see my book Culture Your Life)
Raw honey
Super Greens
Spices; Cinnamon, cloves, star anise
Coconut (oil, meat, water)
Jerusalam artichokes
Herbs; thyme, rosemary, oregano, coriander, parsley and basil
Protecting nutrients (allow the body to do its job);
Anti-Oxidants (berries, greens, hibiscus, Rose hips, elderberries)
Vitamin C (including citrus fruits)
Hormone Balancers (like blood-sugar balancers-Holy Basil, cinnamon)
Fats (butter/ghee, coconut oil, nuts/seeds, avocado’s and eggs)
Protein (including gelatin)
Ginger (helps to raise the body temperature)
Herbs; thyme, rosemary, oregano, coriander, parsley and basil
Nutrients that also clean up and restore the area back to normal
Anti-inflammatories (see a whole list here)
Fermented Foods (see my book Culture Your Life)
Epsom salts
Aloe Vera
More Information:
What to do when your kids get sick
What to do when you get sick- fever
5 ways Nutrition can change your life
Immune boosting pumpkin pie spices
How to make your own bone broth
Coconut and ginger chicken soup
See here also for my fermenting Inspiration Pinterest Board;
Follow Loula Natural’s board +Loula Natural’s Fermenting Inspiration+ on Pinterest.
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