5 Ways You Can Heal Using Frequency.

5 Ways You Can Heal Using Frequency

When I began life in the health industry I was a personal trainer. I worked for 5 years working people’s bodies. I worked with people who had very stressful lives (in the financial district in London). I very quickly discovered that in order to reach their goals I also had to help them train their minds and help them get back in contact with their spirit. Becoming a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist was a very natural progression and I started using food, Bach Flower Remedies very quickly along side my personal training sessions.

I worked with severe drug addicts in London doing Ear Acupuncture early in my career. I witnessed, countless times, people shaking from withdrawl’s quickly gain some peace and calm for an hour when they had pins placed specifically in their ears. They all knew that the research pointed towards a certain protocol being better and more effective than methadone, they crowded into the room when we had a session. I have seen, felt and healed from various energy forms that I know, hand on heart, that without some form of energy (frequency) treatment, true healing cannot be achieved.

I understand it is quackery now, however for centuries energy medicine was all that was available and it has been convincingly effective. The main source of electromagnetic vibration of course is the sun. Therefore all plants, animals and water herbal also contain energy, a primary way to access energy medicine is through our foods. One of the biggest problems with refined foods, poor farming methods, livestock rearing, extracted supplements and indeed pharmaceuticals is the distorted or lack of correct healing energy they contain. Cells and components in a plant that is fresh and in its prime vibrates at a certain frequency. All of our cells, organs and body systems also have unique frequencies. It is the idea behind a cats purr healing and dogs sniffing cancer. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it must be transferred. Frequency plays an important role in human life and indeed throughout the Universe. Frequency allows energy to express itself into any form, including particles, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies and all biological life. Every single biological or non-biological thing has a unique energy signature that vibrates at certain specific frequencies. Some are beneficial to humans and others are destructive.

The idea of using frequency to heal diseases is nothing new. In fact, in the early 1900s certain scientists were already using frequency devices to cure diseases. All remedies, herbal, homeopathic, aromatherapy, crystals, salt caves etc all have frequency (energy) medicine at their core. Music has been used for years as a way to support healing, think about how a piece of music can change how you feel physically and emotionally. When pharmaceuticals (and even some health supplements) and refined foods are made, the essence of the plant, food, substance is extracted, distorted and in some cases man made, thus creating further weakness and change of frequency in the body. Don’t believe me, read about frequencies that have been proven to alter our DNA (that of course has both sides- for good and for bad). 

I love using frequencies to help balance the central nervous system, the core of our being. If you want to make any changes to your body, this is an essential core element to heal. Frequencies can help us to both mindfully and subconsciously contact this system and re-ignight our own self regulation pathways that can in turn promote whole body healing from the source. The main idea behind using frequency is to either amplify our natural frequencies or to alter and reverse the distorted frequencies caused by things like EMF’s, WiFi, refined foods and pharmaceuticals. Here are 5 very simple ways to harness beneficial frequencies for our body, mind, spirit and indeed the world around us.

Like in all things, the key is getting in tune with the right vibrational frequency, please seek out a trained professional to help you to do this. All of these therapies may work alongside any pharmaceutical treatment you are also having and may vastly compliment allopathic treatment, however it is always best to check in with your prescribing practitioner and let them know all that you are doing.


Music (Binaural frequencies):

There are plenty of different musical frequencies which can produce many different beneficial states.  432Hz is meant to be a pure tone, fundamental to nature, and listening to music tuned at this frequency may transmit beneficial healing energy waves into the listener. Modern day instruments have largely been tuned to 440Hz, however through history and different ancient culture there is evidence that they would tune their instruments to this golden frequency. Instruments including those found in Egyptian tombs, Tibetan singing bowls, tribal drumbs and the original stradivarius violin.

There are several meditation music compilations that are designed to emit these healing frequencies. However since every cell, organ and area of the body is tuned to a different frequency, it depends what your body needs. It may be why some of us like a piece of music that others do not. It is certainly why you cannot beat a live performance done well!

Binaural beats is when a sound has been recorded through 2 microphones and is delivered to each ear. Said to assist in altering brain waves (neural entrainment), they may adjust sensory perception and potentially help to de-stress the brain. They may also help to calm down the heart and promote relaxation at a cellular level. Read here and here for more information.

Here is an example of a meditation music for sleep using binaural beats and here is a great free app:


Here are some studies one (here, here, here and here)



Bio Res


Bioresonance machines are basically frequency generators. I have used Bioresonance machines for years. The therapy is non-invasive, simple and very effective. I have seen better results treating allergies, the immune and digestive system and even hormone balance using these machines. They are also very effective at balancing bacteria, eliminating parasites and regulating cells against virus’. Here are some of the clinical studies produced in support of this. By altering the frequencies in the body and causing these cells to vibrate differently changes the internal and external environment very effectively.

I am currently using these machines.  I have a huge database of frequencies to choose from based on what area of the body or mind I am looking to support. I like to run these programs for myself, my family (espcially under the pillow for when my kids are sleeping) and for clients. The huge benefit of the Deta Ellis machines is their portability. I can run an 8 hour program for myself (I rent them out to clients) for a couple of weeks. That is not possible in a clinic setting. These generated frequencies can then go in at a cellular level and promote deep and sometime subconcious healing.  

Crystals and salt lamps:

As a natural substance all rocks also have their own natural and unique vibration. It is why we use wires to conduct electricity and other magnetic frequencies like x-rays etc. We have used salt and crystal caves as healing spaces for centuries, they are still vastly popular now. One of the reasons mineral are so important in our bodies (magnesium, zinc and iron being a few) is their ability to pass on messages, stimulate chemical reactions and conductibility. Crystals have natural reserves of these minerals and through that fact alone it make sense that they are going to have an effect on our body, mind and spirit. There is no denying that after a crystal healing session your body feels different (I see Michelle Harris at Pure Potential).

I also love my salt lamps. Their soft warm glow alone is very calming and nourishing. Especially when I am working at a computer all day.

Vibrational remedies like Bach Flower Remedies:

Bach frequency

I have spoken at great length about Bach Flower Remedies before (here). Vibrational medicine incorporates the use of energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and even the foods we eat. Many different essences and modalities like homeopathy work in a similar way. By using water to hold memory of the energetic imprint of the substance we are able to administer these energies into the body through our own medium of water.

This safe, simple and highly effective method has caused such a stink over the years as it has no percieved substance. However energetic imprints are very well recognised and proven time and time again. To the extent where placebo generally dictates whether anything is going to work (including pharmaceuticals) and placebo is affected by energy frequencies (see back to music frequencies can make you feel different). Vibrational remedies encompasses all of these five ways but you can also include light and colour therapy, elemental work (wind, fire, water and earth concepts), acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs and foods.


Meditation and Affirmations:

Spoken words are actually frequencies which are then interpreted by your ears and brain. It would make sense that by emiting frequencies from your vocal cords is going to casue a ripple of resonance through the body. Positive affirmations provide a way to help the body absorb some positive frequencies. By changing brain wave activity through thought process and vibrational changes caused by speaking the words themselves, there is no losing in this scenario! The more you say something, the more you believe it. Since affirmations by design are to change your thought patterns towards love, gratitude, hope and faith, their place in this healing process is strong. 

Chanting during meditation is another way to access frequency healing. Check out the sounds for the different parts of the body (see here)

Copy of Bach frequency

So which safe and effective method will you try? Check out my new course using all of these methods Inner Rainbow Mindfulness (here on Facebook)


5 Ways You Can Heal Using Frequency (1)

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