5 Reasons to Shop Locally

5 Reasons To Shop Locally:

In season;  Chinese Kale, Cabbage, pea shoots, lettuce, carrots, spinach, cucumber, watercress, radish, broccoli

1. Foods in season generally have the nutrients in them to support the body’s needs at the time, thus boosting the immune system. Eating local honey can help reduce hay fever and asthma. Try the locally produced Honey and visit where they make it in Shatin at Wing Wo Bee Farm.

2. Indigenous varieties are normally hardier to the local environment and so less need   for interference (ie pesticides). Also you eliminate the environmental damage caused by shipping foods thousands of miles (food miles); for example organic milk at Hong Ning Dairy production is limited to 6000 bottles a day keeping it only for locals.

3.Taste Better. Picked when ripe and ready so given the right amount of time to develop flavour by soaking up the soil’s nutrients for longer. Eating foods fresh and unprocessed can have huge health benefits

4.Cheaper. More abundant easier to grow in season. Less travel means no increase to price.

5. More convenient.  Not only do most of the farms deliver to you, wet markets are often closer than your normal supermarket. Pick up a guide to wet markets that include descriptions of the local produce available at your local district office. It’s fun to discover new foods and search for ways of cooking them for our families. Also its more likely your food dollar goes directly to the farmer thus supporting the local community and promoting more investment into a greener local area.

Try a green smoothie to use your local veg especially the Chinese Kale and watercress.

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